Classes & Events


cultivating resilience and joy


One of the few things that remains as true now as it was in ancient times is the path of the earth around the sun. Just as geese know when it is time to fly south, our ancestors instinctively knew that following and honoring the changing seasons was essential to life.

Regardless of era or culture, rituals and celebrations that follow the seasons were carried out because they were portals for the soul to be nourished and gave meaning to life. Western culture has forgotten many of those rituals, has given them up to religious institutions, or they’ve been distorted by the ubiquitous materialism of our time, leaving us feeling a profound emptiness. 

These rapidly changing times can be stressful and anxiety provoking. While we can’t stop change, connecting ourselves with the greater rhythms of Nature, with the Great Mystery, can make us more resilient.


In this year-long class, we will use Taoist Five Element Theory to look at the energetic movements within Nature. It’s a way of understanding that has been around for more than 3,000 years and is a guiding principle in many disciplines, including medicine and feng shui. Participants find it deeply supportive, comforting and nourishing. Ultimately, it enables them to cultivate resilience and joy in their own lives.


I hope you will be able to attend most, if not all, of our once-a-month meetings because each one builds upon the last. The gatherings will be live and recorded on zoom to facilitate your learning and connection.

Here is what some of this year’s group had to say about their experience with “Cultivating Resilience and Joy”:

“Imagine taking flight for a year-long trip around the sun. A journey charted to bring you closer to a clear and immersive understanding of self. An understanding that shifts and deepens and expands as you move around the sun. Amy is your pilot for this trip; steering with immense grace, love, wit and a masterful understanding of our cosmic dance. I can't imagine navigating the past year without the guidance and understanding of her class... Deeply, deeply grateful for Amy and her gifts, wisdom, and generous spirit.” -Melanie

“Each month Amy has presented to our group a very useable framework for how to live life in harmony with the seasons and the elements, as well as how to begin to heal ourselves. Learning in a group situation has sparked some really fabulous discussions... I recommend the class highly.” -Erika

"I feel more connected to my heart, more generous toward my constantly churning mind, and more empowered to make decisions that help me feel well, balanced, and aligned with what keeps me rooted." -Jess

"Amy’s insightful and inspiring class is a gathering of thoughtful humans who strive to engage in this churning world with an open heart, wisdom and care."   –Denise                                                                                                                  

“It has felt very grounding to be reminded to pay attention to the elemental and seasonal energies we experience throughout the year. Additionally, the community has been amazing! I have met and gotten to know some people in our community that I otherwise might not have, and it has been so lovely.” --Katy

“Kind of like a ‘women’s’ group connected by the Taoist calendar. There was always more to learn and share each month. I highly recommend this class!”—Barbara

The Year Ahead 2022 - 2023

Sept 18 • Oct 16 • Nov 20 • Dec 18• Jan 15 • Feb 19 • March 19 • April 16 • May 21 • June 18 • July 16 • Aug 20

The Details

When: Monthly on 3rd Sundays, 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. 

Where: Zoom or The First Congregational Church, 55 Elm St Camden ME

How: We will meet on the 3rd Sunday of the month for 12 months


Cultivating Resilience and Joy 2022-2023