Classes & Events

cultivating resilience and joy 2023-2024

the new season starts september 17th, 2023

Every March, I eagerly look for signs of emerging snow drops against my neighbor’s stone wall. It brings such joy to see the signs of the light and warmth returning. With an understanding of Taoist Five Element philosophy, you will start to see “snow drops” all around as good people work with Nature to create a Living Future for all beings on our beautiful planet.

We are living in a time of rapid change. The change is happening so fast, that there are days when very little seems “right with the world” and we feel stressed and anxious. What if you could align yourself with the great energetic forces that have been working together to create Life since the beginning of time? What if you knew yourself to be part of the Great Web of Life?

Cultivating Resilience and Joy is more an experience than a class. It is a “touch stone” connecting us to the greater cyclic turnings of Life on Earth. When we are grounded in the big picture, we feel less anxious about the dissolution of the old, outdated systems and structures, and more excited to see what new, fresh ideas emerge.

The Five element concepts will help you make sense of the chaotic unraveling of this period in history. It is a place to connect, share and be supported as we a make our way through the uncharted territory of our times.

Learning about the Five Element energetics is like learning to read the wind. We can’t see wind, but when we see its effects as it moves over the landscape we know a lot about the nature of that particular wind. What happens in you and in the world around you when there is a lovely sea breeze on a summer’s day versus the dry, crisp blustery winds of autumn? What are the likely outcomes of those winds? Because those winds, and the Five Elements Energetics are a manifestation of the same Universal Laws, you can start to see the energetic patterns at work in all aspects of life. You can be comforted by the deep knowing that all of Life is following the patterns you are familiar with. Just as in nature, the summer breeze that gives rise to the full flowering of the summer garden will in time shift to the dry bluster of autumn, blow the leaves to the ground, to produce compost for next year’s blooms. This cycle of life is repeated in big and small ways, in infinite manifestations. As we look around we can see the last several hundred years of growth of our civilization have flowered, born fruit, but are no longer working to generate Life. It is falling apart on its way to becoming the compost that will nourish an inclusive global community for all beings— human and other than human.

We will meet on the 3rd sundays throughout the year starting september 17th

Each month, you will be invited to work with the energetic pattern of the season as it manifests in your own life. A week before each meeting, I will send you a handout, and a suggested focus for the month. You will be invited to bring an item representing your focus. We will take time to share something about our items, and together, we will create a beautiful group altar. In this way, we can begin to awaken the power of connection, ritual and symbolism in our lives.

The last twenty minutes of our time together will be meditation. You will learn to use your breath to quiet your mind and heart. Meditating with others will support you in developing your own practice if you so choose.

Join us in person, on zoom, or catch up with a recording

Please join us in person as often as you can because it creates a richer, more connected experience for all of us to be in the same room.

email at with questions

The Year Ahead 2023 - 2024

Sept 17 • Oct 15 • Nov 19 • Dec 17• Jan 21 • Feb 18 • March 17 • April 21 • May 19 • June 23 • July 21 • Aug 18

Cultivating Resilience and Joy 2023-2024 Cultivating Resilience and Joy 2023-2024 Cultivating Resilience and Joy 2023-2024 Cultivating Resilience and Joy 2023-2024 Cultivating Resilience and Joy 2023-2024 Cultivating Resilience and Joy 2023-2024 Cultivating Resilience and Joy 2023-2024 Cultivating Resilience and Joy 2023-2024 Cultivating Resilience and Joy 2023-2024 Cultivating Resilience and Joy 2023-2024 Cultivating Resilience and Joy 2023-2024 Cultivating Resilience and Joy 2023-2024 Cultivating Resilience and Joy 2023-2024 Cultivating Resilience and Joy 2023-2024
Quick View
Cultivating Resilience and Joy 2023-2024

When: 3rd Sunday of each month, 4:00 to 6:00 pm

Where: The First Congregational Church, 55 Elm St, Camden, Maine

Cost: $360 for the full course or $33 per month payment plan

Zoom: Tune in live or catch up with recordings

Here is what some of this year’s group had to say about their experience with “Cultivating Resilience and Joy”

“Amy’s ’Cultivating Resilience & Joy’ is so much more than just a class. It’s a community of people who share common interests in finding peace and coping mechanisms during this time we are living in. It provides tools to connect with nature and learn from the past as well as an understanding of the rhythms of the seasons that will stay with me for years to come. I highly recommend this experience!” -Hanna

“…the class is amazing. Each month Amy presents a wide range of information in a format that is easy to integrated into one’s life and she holds space in a way that is safe for us to learn and grow in. I can’t wait for the next session to begin.” -Erika

“Imagine taking flight for a year-long trip around the sun. A journey charted to bring you closer to a clear and immersive understanding of self. An understanding that shifts and deepens and expands as you move around the sun. Amy is your pilot for this trip; steering with immense grace, love, wit and a masterful understanding of our cosmic dance. I can't imagine navigating the past year without the guidance and understanding of her class... Deeply, deeply grateful for Amy and her gifts, wisdom, and generous spirit.” —Melanie

“I feel more connected to my heart, more generous toward my constantly churning mind, and more empowered to make decisions that help me feel well, balanced, and aligned with what keeps me rooted.” —Jess

“Amy’s insightful and inspiring class is a gathering of thoughtful humans who strive to engage in this churning world with an open heart, wisdom and care.”   —Denise

“It has felt very grounding to be reminded to pay attention to the elemental and seasonal energies we experience throughout the year. Additionally, the community has been amazing! I have met and gotten to know some people in our community that I otherwise might not have, and it has been so lovely.” —Katy

“Kind of like a ‘women’s’ group connected by the Taoist calendar. There was always more to learn and share each month. I highly recommend this class!” —Barbara

Join at any point in the year

I hope you will be able to attend most, if not all, of our once-a-month meetings because each one builds upon the last both in terms of the concepts we will be learning as well as the connection and support of new friends and fellow travelers. The gatherings will be live and recorded on zoom to facilitate your learning and connection.

You are most welcome to jump in at any point in the year. It would be helpful to watch the first couple of recordings to get oriented to the Five Element System as we are applying it here. Those recordings are available. Email me with questions: