Resilience and Joy

Daffodils Come Spring
Amy Jenner Amy Jenner

Daffodils Come Spring

The spring of a new era will come because it is the nature of Life to renew itself in spring.

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When is new year anyway?
Amy Jenner Amy Jenner

When is new year anyway?

In our Gregorian calendar, the New Year is celebrated on January 1st. I’ve always wondered why. It seems kind of arbitrary.

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Connecting to the sacred
Amy Jenner Amy Jenner

Connecting to the sacred

How can the divine Oneness be seen?

In beautiful forms, breathtaking wonders,

awe-inspiring miracles?

The Tao is not obliged to present itself

in this way.

If you are willing to be lived by it, you will

see it everywhere, even in the most

ordinary things.

Lao Tsu

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Riding the waves of change
Cultivating Resilience Amy Jenner Cultivating Resilience Amy Jenner

Riding the waves of change

Recently, I have noticed the leaves yellowing on the low plants along the side of the road and a few swamp maples flashing scarlet amongst the green canopy.  Every year it surprises me. It seems too early and I have to remind myself that Summer energy concludes at the end of July (36 ½ days after the summer solstice, see diagram below)  and then we are in the Earth phase of transition that is the Harvest until August 17th when fall energy comes in.

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Take Heart!
Bridget Leavitt Bridget Leavitt

Take Heart!

The Heart, in Chinese Medicine, is so much more than a pump. We all know this intuitively and every February we are reminded with Valentine’s Day.

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