Cultivating Resilience
and Joy


Cultivating Resilience and Joy is your Rosetta Stone, your key to unlocking resilience and joy in these turbulent times.

When: 3rd Sundays, 4-6pm

Where: Camden Whole Health, 91 Elm St, Camden and on Zoom with recordings

Cost: $480 for the Full 12 month series

Payment plan: a payment plan is available, just reach out and we can set it up for you.

Not quite sure? Its ok, come along to the first gathering and get a sense of what its all about. Just let me know that you are coming so I can put put out a chair for you.

For a full, detailed description of the course, click here:

It’s an experience that is a little hard to explain…part Taoist philosophy, part ritual, part women’s group, and part meditation group. We are a supportive group of women, learning to use Taoist Five Element theory to understand and promote our own authenticity and growth and to find our way through the chaos of our time. When we are living our most authentic lives, the natural outcome is joy.

We are living in a time of rapid change on all levels. We don’t have the capacity to process and integrate all that is going on both personally and collectively without support. The Earth is transforming, trying to give birth to a new era. Clearly, our old ways of doing things are unraveling and creating more of a mess. How do we align ourselves with the Thriving Life future wanting to be born rather than the fear and anxiety of crumbling social fabric and unfolding climate disaster?

Join us on September 22nd and find out!

What are people saying about it?

“…the class is amazing. Taking Amy's class Cultivating Resilience and Joy has not only been such an amazing experience, but a joyful one as well.  I have learned so much about myself through the framework of the five element system, and because of that feel more grounded in who I am becoming, and am able to drop more fully into being patient with me, my process and the world.” - Erika

“I feel more connected to my heart, more generous toward my constantly churning mind, and more empowered to make decisions that help me feel well, balanced, and aligned with what keeps me rooted.” —Jess

“you come out of this course feeling both more empowered and more 'knowing' as a human being, as a woman, but also, more humbled and inspired by your own belonging to a world so much more magnificently powerful and self-restoring than you normally had the eyes to see and appreciate.”—Polya

“Imagine taking flight for a year-long trip around the sun. A journey charted to bring you closer to a clear and immersive understanding of self. An understanding that shifts and deepens and expands as you move around the sun. Amy is your pilot for this trip; steering with immense grace, love, wit and a masterful understanding of our cosmic dance. I can't imagine navigating the past year without the guidance and understanding of her class... Deeply, deeply grateful for Amy and her gifts, wisdom, and generous spirit.” —Melanie

“It has felt very grounding to be reminded to pay attention to the elemental and seasonal energies we experience throughout the year. Additionally, the community has been amazing! I have met and gotten to know some people in our community that I otherwise might not have, and it has been so lovely.” —Katy

“Amy’s ‘Cultivating Resilience & Joy’ is so much more than just a class. It’s a community of people who share common interests in finding peace and coping mechanisms during this time we are living in. It provides tools to connect with nature and learn from the past as well as an understanding of the rhythms of the seasons that will stay with me for years to come. I highly recommend this experience!” -Hanna